10days to go - March 2016!
It’s the month of March! Celebrate the girl in you! Celebrate the woman in You! Take a good look at your self in the mirror, you are wonderfully and fearfully made. Let out a song and a good laugh Here: 5 P’s for you this season 1 4 1. Pamper yourself : Relax, Release and let go the ‘letgoables’, rejuvenate, Laugh out loud and live life to the fullest. Do what you like doing and have a swing, reassure yourself you can still hit that target right on time. Dust off staleness by taking a personal development course. Read a book and upgrade yourself. 2. Pamper a mother figure in your life: ‘Mother’s Day’ is marked in March in most part of the world. Who is worth celebrating in your life? Biological Mom? A mentor? An aunt? Elder sister? Go ahead in your own way and let her know you appreciate her a great deal. 3. ...