For Posterity Sake

In most parts of the world, the month of May begins with 'workers day' holiday. There is dignity in labour they say and this is because workers (taxpayers) expectedly contribute to the GDP of every country alongside entrepreneurs’. All things being equal, workers should be able to at least live decently from the remuneration received at work.
Growing up, I always wondered what people had to do daily in the office. The same way my six year-old wonders what I am endlessly typing on the computer. In fact, according to her, my work never finishes because ‘I type and erase and type again all over’. I recall my dad recount with pride the joy with which they worked in building the ‘‘new Nigeria’’ following the independence of Nigeria from British colonial masters. The take-home-pay could indeed take one home and provide the bare necessities of life. One could see how little activities in the work place added up to the bigger picture and goal of the team. 
Be it white, blue, green or brown collar job, each generation has a due to pay in ensuring security of her nation’s posterity. A country whose greater populace is idle and clueless will cruise into poverty. A country, whose leaders have ‘get-rich-quick-syndrome,’ will steer the country into murky waters. 
There are many factors that can drive one in the workplace and top on the list of all times is ‘self-motivation’ Take some time out to reflect on the quality of  service you offer. Are you performing at your optimum? Is there room for improvement? Do you feel accomplished at the close of each work day? If everyone were to work like you, what will your productivity add to the GDP of your nation? Will there be dignity in your labour?
As May 2017 draws its curtains, another 365 days will soon go by for time indeed flies, take every opportunity to learn, re-learn and unlearn.ards achieving my career goals.


  1. Zinny Plc, more grease to your elbows. You're blessed.

  2. Our Nigeria may be heading towards murky waters as we have the get rich quick syndrome.

    1. Yes, you are right Uche. Change does happen. Change is constant they say. Some times it happens slowly. In some cases, there is an actual nose-diving and crashing before re-building starts.
      To a great Nation! Nigeria.


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