A Month with Luster - November
In Temperate
regions, November precedes snow white winter. In Tropical regions, it precedes dry
dusty harmattan.
Most of all, it precedes
December, the last month of the year in countries where the Gregorian calendar
is used.
November, the
month of pleasant and unpleasant surprises. Usually a time of reflections for
re-adjustment to enable one finish well. For some, it’s a time to recount
triumphs and success stories. Near misses and regrets. Play your last card.
Expect the worst. Expect the best. Give it a last try against all odds.
Evaluate what has worked and what has not, strategize for the coming year. Scan
the horizon.
have their annual year period likewise some individuals. Mine is November –
October annually because it was in November some years ago that my sojourn
commenced. I still remember my black and white christening kodak photo with my
god-mother carrying me in her arms. She stood beside my mother in her high
‘apolar skol’. They both looked younger and pretty even in a black and white
photo. Quite far from what they both look like today. How time changes everything!
Time heals they say, and time is not even a doctor. Story for another day.
November has
become for me a time of gladsome reflections and stock taking. Milestones. Accomplished
and yet -to-be-accomplished dreams. Desires. Expectations. How well? How
better? What’s next kinda? Sometimes I feel a beam light on my inside searching
all the corners looking for what must be brought to the fore as the clock is
ticking. Time like an ever-rolling stream waits for no one.
See the luster I
see in November? I call it Novembery
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