Lifted and Floating

Gen 7:17-18

‘‘For forty days, the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased, they lifted the ark high above the earth. The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water.’’
Usually at the beginning of a new year, people put pen to paper or thoughts to computer to offer counsel on ‘best practices’ for the new year. Expectations are high, and everyone is hopeful that the new year will bring the best. Be better than the previous. Provide more opportunities. Growing up, as little children we ran down the road in pursuit of the old year to bid farewell and make sure it left empty handed.

The bible verses above are quite profound. Read again. The flood ordinarily should have been an agent of disaster, however in this case, as the waters increased, there was a ‘lifting.’ Thereafter there was a ‘floating’ of the ark upon the waters! I really love the sound of this.

Everyone no doubt would desire to be lifted above challenges, disappointments and discouragements. A literal ‘lifting’ affords you the opportunity of height and better command of your affairs. Floating signifies that state where you are perfectly on top of your game, effortlessly cruising on the highway or sipping your chapman on a floater in the pool clad in your sunshade and fedora.

Here is my question to you. Are you afraid of the waters and the flood of life?  Leave the shore,  get into the ark and be positioned to be helped. Your ark could be different from mine. It could be Association ark, Relationship ark, Education ark, Professional ark, Faith ark, Purpose ark, Mentorship ark, Networking ark, Business ark, and many more. Make that shift.

Leave the shore and enter the ark. Obey God and let Him guide you to fulfil purpose in 2018, then you will truly have a ‘lifted’ and ‘floating’ 2018.

Stay inspired.

NB: This is my last post on this page. My ark has been lifted and am floating to a new


  1. Great! Am. Floating in several arks this year!

    1. Remain Lifted and Keep floating! No stopping you๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ


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